- Is there a solution when society is corrupt.
- The Month of Mary
- Dear Atheist Pasrt 3
- Dear Atheist Part 2
- Dear Atheist Part 1
- St. Catherine of Siena
- The Sword
- St. Mark the Evangelist
- The Lesson of Our Lady's Sword of Sorrow
- Our Lord's Agony in the Garden
- The Three falls of our Lord and the Three degrees of tiredness
- The Crowning with Thorns
- They tied his hands becasue He did Good
- Passion of Christ - Passion of the Church
- St Joseph Martyr of Grandeur
- St Joan of Valois
- Considerations on Catholic Culture Part 5
- Considerations on Catholic Culture Part 4
- Considerations on Catholic Culture Part 3
- Considerations on Catholic Culture Part 2
- Considerations on Catholic Culture Part 1
- St Sebastian
- St Paul the Hermit
- Circumsicion of Our Lord
- Epiphany
- St John of the Cross
- St John Damascene
- St Catherine Laboure
- Sts Simon and Jude
- St John of Capistrano
- St Michael the Archangel
- St Matthew the Evangelist
- Thoughts on Labour
- St Louis IX King of France
- St Clare of Assisi
- St Laurence
- St John Baptist Vianney
- St Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri
- St Bridget of Sweden
- St Mary Magdalene
- St Henry II Emperor
- St Thomas the Apostle
- Sts Peter and Paul
- St Cyril of Alexandria
- St Thomas More
- St Ephraem
- St Boniface
- St Philip Neri
- Pope St Gregory VII
- St Matthias the Apostle
- St Louis Grignion De Montfort
- St Mark
- St Adalbert of Prague
- St Martin I
- St Isidore of Seville
- St Cyril of Jerusalem
- St Patrick
- St Clement Mary Hofbauer
- St Leander of Seville
- St Frances of Rome
- St Casimir
- Seven Holy Founders of the Servites
- St John Bosco
- St Thomas Aquinas
- St Timothy
- St Agnes
- St Paul the Hermit
- St Felix of Nola
- St Raymond of Penyafort
- St Gregory Nazianzen
- St Basil the Great
- Our lady of Guadalupe
- The Immaculate Conception and the enemies of the Church
- St Francis Xavier
- St Catherine of Alexandria
- The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St Elizabeth Of Hungary
- St Albert the Great
- St Martin of Tours
- Pope St Leo the Great
- St Charles Borromeo
- All Saints Day
- St Anthony Mary Claret
- Love and Fear and Christian Piety
- St Margaret mary Alacoque
- St Teresa of Avila
- St. Callistus of Huesca
- St Francis Borgia
- Our Lady of the Rosary
- St Francis of Assisi
- Feast of the Guardian Angel
- St Jerome
- St Michael the Archangel
- St Wenceslas
- St Elzear
- St Robert Bellarmine
- The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady
- The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Forms of Government
- St Thomas Of Villanova
- St John the Baptist
- St Augustine
- The Importance of Suffering
- Catholic Sense
- Refelctions on Beer
- St Rose of Lima
- Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St Pius X
- St Bernard
- Dressing Well: Vanity or Virtue?
- St John Eudes
- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Our Lady's birth and the triumph of her reign
- True role of the guardian angels
- False Pieties
- Expectation of Our Lady
- Gathered Round the Manger
- And the Word was made Flesh
- The Three Kings
- Small Symptoms of a great Transformation
- The True Meaning of Easter
- What is Tolerance?
- Requirements for leadership
- Zeal for the Holy Name of Mary
- Discovering the Wisdom of St. Ignatius
- Considerations on the conversion of St. Paul
Addressing the clergy of Barcelona
2 weeks ago