- The Crisis in Catholic Christian faith
- Rejecting the Truth
- Faith and Reason
- The Galileo Case : Science and Faith
- The Tragedy of atheism
- Faith
- Encounter with God in Jesus Christ in the Church
- Christian Faith and Courage in Life
- Love of truth is love of Christ
- The human being - 'A Pilgrim of The Absolute'.
- Jesus the way that leads us to The Father
- Christ's Cross a message of sorrow and salvation
- Faith in the Holy Spirit
- Ignorance - religions worst enemy.
- Religious Commitment
- The Church
- The mystery of the Church
- Loving the Church
- Feeling with the Pope
- The choice and mission of Peter
- The Bishop of Rome the successor of Peter
- The Doctrinal Mission of the successor of Peter
- The Priest and his ministry
- The laity in the chruch
- Women's role in the church
- Cathechesis and orthodoxy
- The Church and Art
- The Church and the dignity of the Human Person
- The sacraments and Christian prayer
- The Eucharist the core of Christian life
- Perseverance in Prayer
- Why and how to pray
- Holy yet sinful
- The church and state
- The Church and culture
- The Church in the service of truth and charity
Attending the Legatus National Summit
3 weeks ago