Ignorance, religion's worst enemy
Each of us needs an integral and integrating training - cultural, professional, doctrinal, spiritual and apostolic -equipping us to live in a consistent inner unity
with ourselves and also, whenever necessary, to give reasons for our hope to anyone who asks us.
Our Christian identity requires us to make constant efforts to train ourselves more and more thoroughly, since ignorance is the worst enemy of our religion, How can one claim truly to love Christ if one is not committed to knowing him better?
Training and spiritual life! These two things are inseparable for anyone who aspires to lead a Christian life which is truly committed to forming and building a more just and more brotherly society. If you wish to be faithful in your daily lives to the demands of God and to the expectations of humanity and history, you must constantly noursih yourselves on the word of God and the sacraments, 'so that Christ's word may dwell in you abundantly' (Colossians 3:16)."
Addressing the clergy of Barcelona
2 weeks ago
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